Emily's Hopeful Holiday

Financially assisting families who have a child or young adult with cancer ~ Established 2007

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  • Who We Are, What We Do

    Emily’s Hopeful Holiday was created in honor of our daughter Emily, who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at the age of 7 in 2007. She was treated at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio and is now a CANCER SURVIVOR.

    During our painful journey we discovered that there were many families who struggle with the staggering cost of cancer treatments.
    This motivated us to start raising money for families who did not have the financial resources to deal with a cancer diagnosis.

    In 2007, we established Emily's Hopeful Holiday where 100% of the money we raise goes directly to families to financially assist them with anything they need.

    For more information on EHH, please review this blog and the FAQ's at the top.

    We no longer have an annual fundariser, but are fortunate to still receive donations yearly. At our family's discretion and with the cooperation and agreement of our personal donors, we now distribute the money outside of the hospital. We offer financial assistance to families with a child or young adult with cancer.

    Please use the CONTACT ME button to email me if you would like more information.

    To donate, use the PAYPAL DONATION button on the right side bar to make a donation or contact me.

    This fund assists families throughout the entire year.

    We will always remember the fear and heartache of chemo treatments, lumbar punctures, sedations, medical procedures, surgeries, and anxiously waiting on every test result. Our nerve wracking, yet relatively simple routine trips to the Ireland Cancer Center for Emily’s check-ups remind us of where we have been and that there are families, children, and young adults just beginning this journey, continuing to endure this journey, and/or ending this journey with either an immense gratefulness or an unspeakable sadness.

    We are so grateful for Emily’s amazing prognosis, for her health, for her laughter, for her smile, for her silliness, for her. We thank God everyday for His blessing upon our family and for all the wonderful people who surround our lives with love and support.

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Posted by emilyshopefulholiday on April 8, 2011



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